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Acpi Genuineintel X86 Family 6 Model 23 0 17


The Motherboard-i5xxx-i7xxx-i9xxx-Xeon�x processors are equipped with an Intel Ivybridge Microarchitecture which is highly optimized for the forthcoming Windows 8 operating system. The main characteristics of the new microarchitecture are an improved branch prediction mechanism, a triad instruction scheduler that uses three different execution units to compute in parallel, larger execution units that improve performance when compressing data and handling multiple instruction types simultaneously, and a large number of cores in the core count range. Additionally, this system incorporates technologies made available by Nehalem which provide better power management for both low power states and high responsiveness when under load. The memory controller supports multiple channels of DDR3. The Chipset used is the Intel X79, which supports Intels new i5 Family of processors. The supported RAM speeds are 1066 MHz for up to 16 GB, 1333 MHz for up to 32 GB, 1600 MHz for up to 64 GB, and 1866 MHz for up to 64 GB. The system consists of four DIMM slots. The I/O Hub has not changed much over the previous generation platform; however, there are significant internal changes that considerably increase efficiency over the previous generation IOH (Input/Output Hub) core architecture. This significantly increases platform performance and efficiency. The main change is that PCIe 2. 0 is now supported, giving the chipset enhanced bandwidth to the CPU. The IOH on this platform supports up to eight SATA 3.0 Gbit/s ports, four USB 3.0 ports, two USB 2.0 ports, eight LAN controllers, and four PCI Express 2.0 lanes for expansion cards supporting up to two PCIe 2.0 lanes of bandwidth. It has taken over the duties of the existing IOHs in the previous generation platform by sharing resources with them to increase throughput of all components on the platform by maximizing utilization of resources within the IOHs module without specifying explicit information about hardware configuration. The TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is a component that offers security features such as an encrypted storage for passwords and digital keys, a firewall to protect the computer against unauthorized access, and encryption for all transmitted data. The Bios is a 64-bit EFI based version of the AMI�/ Award Bios. The main difference between this bios and previous AMI bios's is that it can handle up to 4 gigabytes of memory when in Dual Channel mode. The user is capable of booting from either hard disk drives, solid state drives or from a USB device attached to one of two superspeed USB 3.0 ports on the board. It also supports a secure boot feature that can prevent unauthorized operating systems from being loaded. The board was originally released in April 2013 as a part of the Intel 7-Series Chipset. Its characteristics are as follows:This board is designed for use with the Xeon� xxx0 xxx family of processors. The main difference between the 8xx0 and 9xx0 versions is that the 8xx0 versions support up to 16 GB of RAM, while the 9xx0 versions support up to 128 GB of RAM. eccc085e13

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